Comic Con to Debut New Rules this Year
What's the deal with Comic Con's new rules? (via SDCC)
Comic Con is banishing selfie sticks and any other picture taking sticks there are. The reason why is the sticks have been causing head injuries due to the convention center being crowded. If you get caught with these sticks you will be asked to put them away and not use them anywhere on the convention grounds.
The next thing being banished is live streaming and any other recording. This includes go pros and google glasses. If your google glasses are prescription you have to find other glasses. Also, you have to turn off any recording or picture taking devices so security won't think you're taking videos.
Banished third is smoking. No smoking anywhere except the designated areas. This includes E-cigs, Vaping products, and any other smoking devices. Smoking out of the designated areas results in being ejected from the convention.
There is one last banished item, it is, drones or flying devices. These items are not allowed inside the convention center. This also includes helium objects as well as lighter than air powered or unpowered devices that fly.
To ensure these rules are being used Comic Con will be adding more security. By adding more security Comic Con can be safer. Alina said, "I don't think there should be more security because, from what I've seen there's plenty to go around!"
In conclusion the are some of the new rules being added to Comic Con to ensure the people's safety. These rules shouldn't affect your experience with having all the fun you can at Comic Con.